Zoe Fertility Clinic | Success Rates
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Dear Dr. Zoë, It is very difficult to find the words to express just how thankful we are for what you have done for us. As I look at my beautiful baby scans, the words “thank you” don’t even come close to being enough. Our......

Greetings Dr. Zoë, I would like to take a few minutes out of your time to share with you a brief summary of how my life changed. To tell this story correctly, I must start from the beginning. I would like to introduce myself, my......

In 2012, I went to sperm test and the result came back as follows: Sperm count – 22 million Motility – 50 Mature DNS – 8 Immature DNS – 92 The Doctor informed me that I only have 10% chances of impregnating my woman. In......
